序号 | 论文名称 | 刊物名称 | 作者 | 收录情况 | 卷期 | 年度 |
1 | The research on micro-punching by laser-driven flyer | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture | Huixia Liu, Hejun Wang, Zongbao Shen, Zhihui Huang, Wei Li, Yuanyuan Zheng, Xiao Wang | SCI 检索 | 2012, 54-55: 18-24 | 2012 |
2 | Feasibility investigations on a novel micro embossing using laser-driven flyer | Optics & Laser Technology | Huixia Liu, Zongbao Shen, Xiao Wang,Pin Li, Yang Hu and Chunxing Gu | SCI 检索 | (SCI收录,IF=1.616) | 2012 |
3 | Modeling and prediction of transmission laser bonding process between titanium coated glass and PET based on response surface methodology | Optics and Lasers in Engineering | Huixia Liu, Kai Wang, Pin Li, Cheng Zhang, Daozhong Du, Yang Hu, Xiao Wang | SCI 检索 | 2012,50(3) 440-448(SCI检索,IF=1.838) | 2012 |
4 | Influence of film thickness of Ti coating on bonding quality of glass with PET | Surface Engineering | H. X Liu, K. Wang, C. Zhang, P. Li, Y. Y. Gao, Y. Hu and X. Wang | SCI 检索 | 2012(已校样)(SCI源刊) | 2012 |
5 | Modeling and optimization of laser transmission joining process between PET and 316L stainless steel using response surface methodology | Optics & Laser Technology | Xiao Wang, Xinhua Song , Minfeng Jiang , Pin Li , Yang Hu , Kai Wang , Huixia Liu | SCI 检索 | 44 (2012) 656–663 (SCI检索,IF=1.567) | 2012 |
6 | Numerical study of the mechanism of explosive/impact welding using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method | Materials and Design | Xiao Wang , Yuanyuan Zheng, Huixia Liu, Zongbao Shen, Yang Hu, Wei Li, Yangyang Gao, Chao Guo | SCI 检索 | 35 (2012) 210–219(SCI检索,IF=2.2) | 2012 |
7 | Study on the Numerical Simulation and Statistical Optimization of Micro-Scale Laser Shock Peening | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | Zhu, Wei ; Zhou, Jianzhong; Wang, Min; Huang, Shu; Fan, Yujie; Wei, Denghui; Wang, Wei | SCI检索 | 9: 1-5 | 2012 |
8 | Effect of repeated impacts on mechanical properties and fatigue fracture morphologies of 6061-T6 aluminum subject to laser peening . | Materials Science and Engineering A | Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Sheng, J.; Lu, J.Z.; Wang, C.D.; Chen, K.M.; Ruan, H.Y.; Chen, H.S. | SCI检索 | 539:360-368 | 2012 |
9 | Study on Simulation of Residual Stress Distribution in Microscale Laser Shock Peening Based on Crystal Orientation | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | Zhou, Jianzhong ; Fan, Yujie; Huang, Shu; Wang, Wei; Wei, Denghui; Fan, Jinrong; Zhu, Wei; Gao, Bin | SCI检索 | 9(16):1-6 | 2012 |
10 | Near-field properties of diffraction through a circular aperture with subwavelength size | Chinese Physics B. | Wang Zheng-Ling, Zhou Ming, Gao Chuan-Yu and Zhang Wei, | SCI源刊 | (已录用) | 2012 |
11 | 激光驱动飞片加载下基体/薄膜层裂微成形研究 | 激光技术 | 刘国芳,高传玉,杨晓红,马明,李奇军 | | Vol.36 No.3 P298-300 | 2012 |
12 | 激光微冲击成形技术分析与展望 | 激光与光电子进展 | 范金荣, 黄舒, 周建忠, 樊玉杰, 高彬, 朱伟, 徐增闯 | EI检索 | 49:010003-1-8 | 2012 |
13 | 工科大学生综合与创新训练的探索与实践 | 中国电力教育 | 黄舒,周建忠,刘会霞,杨超君, 盛杰 | | 25:13-14 | 2012 |
14 | 激光透射连接 PET 的工艺参数建模与优化 | 高分子材料科学与工程 | 王 凯, 许贞凯, 刘会霞, 张 成 | EI检索 | 28(2):183-186,190 | 2012 |
15 | 镀钛玻璃与犘犈犜之间的激光透射连接及其性能 | 中国激光 | 刘会霞,王凯,李品,张成,高阳阳,严长,王霄 | EI检索 | Vol.39,No.9:p0902008-1-7 | 2012 |
16 | 基于遗传算法-响应曲面方法的激光透射焊接聚碳酸酯工艺的多目标优化 | 中国激光 | 王霄,张成,王凯,李品,高阳阳,胡杨,刘会霞 | EI检索 | 39(6),2012,0603003-1-7 | 2012 |
17 | 2024铝合金薄板拼焊工艺优化及有限元模拟分析 | 热加工工艺 | 高传玉;曹敏;陈浩;刘国芳 | | Vol.41 No.11P178-181 | 2012 |
18 | 激光微喷丸强化纯铜表面的纳米压痕分析 | 中国激光 | 樊玉杰, 周建忠, 黄舒, 范金荣, 王呈栋, 王维, 卫登辉, 朱伟, 高彬 | EI检索 | 38(6):06030261-5 | 2012 |
19 | 激光冲击铜箔飞片及其复合成形研究 | 中国激光 | 周建忠,高彬,黄舒,刘会霞 陈寒松,杨晶,左立党,安中伟 | EI检索 | 排版中 | 2012 |
20 | 基于应变速率的激光喷丸强化6061-T6铝合金力学性能分析 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 左立党, 黄舒, 徐增闯, 杨晶, 季杏露, 谢小江 | EI检索 | 39(5):05030031-6 | 2012 |
21 | Influence of Overlapping Rate on Residual Stress Treated by Multi-micro Laser Shock Peening | Chinese Optical Letter | Yujie Fan ;Jianzhong Zhou ;Shu Huang; | EI检索 | 排版中 | 2012 |
22 | Application of Central Composite Design Based on Numerical Integration for Optimization of Laser Shock Peening | Advanced Materials Research | Zheng, Gang; Fan, Jinrong; Huang, Shu; Zhou, Jianzhong; Ruan, Hongyan | EI检索 | 452-453 : 1074-1078 | 2012 |
23 | Study on 2-D Shock Wave Pressure Model in Micro Scale Laser Shock Peening | Reviews on Advanced Materials Science | Yujie Fan ;Jianzhong Zhou ;Shu Huang ;Wei Wang;Denghui Wei;Jinrong Fan;Bin Gao | SCI检索 | 排版中 | 2012 |
24 | 大耕深旋耕刀的制造工艺及其耐磨性 | 扬州大学学报(自然科学版) | 袁晓明,王宏宇,赵玉凤,缪宏,张瑞宏 | | 2012.2,Vol.15No.1:p33-37 | 2012 |
25 | 旋耕刀用65Mn钢表面渗铬工艺优化及其耐磨性研究 | 农机化研究 | 赵玉凤,王宏宇,王荣,陈康敏,袁晓明 | | 2012.10,No.10:p156-160 | 2012 |
26 | C194铜合金薄板激光弯曲试验及力学性能分析 | 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) | 黄舒,周建忠,胡玲玲,杨小东 | EI检索 | 2012.1,Vol.33No.1:p96-101 | 2012 |
27 | Micromold-based laser shock embossing of metallic foil: Fabrication of large-area three-dimensional microchannel networks | Materials and Manufacturing Processes | Shen, Zongbao; Liu, Huixia; Wang, Xiao; Wang, Hejun | SCI检索 | 2011,26(9):1126-1129 | 2011 |
28 | Nanoscale trap for isolated cold atoms by the nanoscale solid-state system | Advanced Materials Research | Zhengling Wang, Ming Zhou, Wei Zhang,Chuanyu Gao and Guorong Cao, | SCI检索 | 304, 263-267 (2011)(SCI) | 2011 |
29 | Vector propagation properties of the Bessel–Gauss beam in the far field | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | Zhengling Wang, Ming Zhou , Wei Zhang, Yu Zhou,Guorong Cao, Chuanyu Gao, | SCI检索 | 13,055704 (2011) (SCI) | 2011 |
30 | Study on the Improvement of Fatigue Crack Growth Performance of 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy Subject to Laser Shot Peening | Key Engineering Materials | Wang, C.D. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Yang, X.D.; Xu, Z.C.; Ruan, H.Y. | EI检索 | 464:391-394 | 2011 |
31 | Study on Characteristics of Stress and Parameters Influence in Microscale Laser Shock Peening | Key Engineering Materials | Fan, Y.J. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Wang, W.; Wei, D.H.; Zhu, W. | EI检索 | 464:336-339 | 2011 |
32 | Optimization of Process Parameters for Vacuum Casting Micro-gear | Key Engineering Materials | Dai, Y.C. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Guo, J.; Xiao, L. | EI检索 | 464 : 698-702 | 2011 |
33 | Experimental Study of Micro-scale Laser Shock Peening on Copper Foils | Key Engineering Materials | Zhu, W. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Wang, M.; Huang, S.; Wei, D.H.; Fan, Y.J. | EI检索 | 464 :506-509 | 2011 |
34 | Design of Progressive Die Based on Component in UG Environment | Key Engineering Materials | Tan, W.S. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Guo, J.; Huang, S.; Wang, C.D.; Gao, B.; Sheng, J. | EI检索 | 464:146-150 | 2011 |
35 | Parameters Optimization of Laser Shot Peening Based On Multi-island Genetic Algorithm | Applied Mechanics and Materials | Wang, W. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Fan, Y.J.; Wang, C.D.; Fan, J.R. | EI检索 | 43: 387-390 | 2011 |
36 | Numerical Study of Vacuum Casting DVD Panel Based on Silicon Mould | Applied Mechanics and Materials | Yang, J. ; Xiao, L.; Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Fan, J.R.; Dai, Y.C. | EI检索 | 43: 707-711 | 2011 |
37 | Rapid fabrication of micro-gear via vacuum casting technique of silicone rubber mould | Advanced Materials Research | Zhou, J.Z. ; Xiao, L.; Huang, S.; Zhu, J.H.; Xu, Z.M.; Huang, J.; Dai, Y.C. | EI检索 | 97-101:4016-4019 | 2011 |
38 | Theoretical Calculation and Numerical Analysis of Residual Stress in Laser Peen Forming of Metal Plate | Key Engineering Materials | Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Sheng, J.; Fan, J.R.; Xu, Z.C. | EI检索 | 464:588-591 | 2011 |
39 | Progress in Theory and Application Research on Microscale Laser Shock Peening | Advanced Materials Research | Wei, Denghui ; Zhou, Jianzhong; Huang, Shu; Fan, Yujie; Wang, Min | EI检索 | 135:194-199 | 2011 |
40 | 不同覆盖率下激光喷丸6061-T6铝合金疲劳裂纹扩展的数值模拟研究 | 中国激光 | 徐增闯,周建忠,黄舒,左立党, 杨晶 | EI检索 | 38(12): s103006-1-6 | 2011 |
41 | 基于数值模拟的激光喷丸参数集成优化方法研究 | 中国激光 | 范金荣,周建忠,黄舒,王维,樊玉杰,高彬,朱伟,徐增闯 | EI检索 | 38(12): s103003-1-7 | 2011 |
42 | 微尺度激光喷丸强化TiN涂层的表面性能 | 光学精密工程 | 周建忠, 卫登辉, 黄舒, 朱伟, 樊玉杰 | EI检索 | 19 (11): 2679-2684. | 2011 |
43 | 6061-T6铝合金紧凑拉伸试样激光喷丸强化后的疲劳裂纹扩展性能研究 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 王呈栋, 黄舒, 杨小东, 徐增闯, 杨晶, 朱伟 | EI检索 | 38(9):07030091-6 | 2011 |
44 | 基于不同应力比下激光喷丸强化6061-T6铝合金的疲劳裂纹扩展性能研究 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 徐增闯, 黄舒, 杨小东, 王呈栋, 杨晶, 左立党, 季杏露 | EI检索 | 38(9):09030061-6 | 2011 |
45 | 微尺度激光喷丸纯铜数值模拟和统计优化分析 | 中国激光 | 朱伟,周建忠,黄舒,樊玉洁 | EI检索 | 38: s(103005)1-7 | 2011 |
46 | 旋转磁场在微小工件磁力研磨加工中的应用 | 机械设计与制造 | 高传玉,倪秀付,袁润,顾文艳. | | 2011. 2 P64-66 | 2011 |
47 | 飞秒激光烧蚀Ag膜的研究 | 工程材料 | 吴小麟,高传玉,周明,张伟 | EI检索 | vol.42,2011增刊Ⅰ,p179-182 | 2011 |
48 | 基于响应曲面和遗传算法-人工神经元网络的热塑性塑料激光透射焊接强度的优化 | 中国激光 | 张成,王霄,王凯,张虎,刘江,蒋涛,刘会霞 | EI检索 | 38(11):1103006-1-7 | 2011 |
49 | Optimization of Laser Transmission Joint between PET and Titanium using Response Surface Methodology | Advanced Materials Research Vols | Xinhua Song, Xiao Wang,Pin Li,Zhenkai Xu,Kai Wang, Huixia Liu | EI 检索 | 154-155 (2011) pp 1119-1124 | 2011 |
50 | Optimization of Process Parameters of Thin Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Sheet Metal Laser Forming Based on Water-cooling | Advanced Materials Research | Minfeng Jiang, Lei Ding ,Yuanyuan Zheng,Xiao Wang 2,d and Huixia Liu | EI检索 | 2011,154-155:1152-1156 | 2011 |
51 | Numerical Simulations of the Spall Damage of the Target Material Induced by Laser Driven Flyer Impacting | Advanced Materials Research | Hejun Wang, Huixia Liu,Zongbao Shen,Wei Li,Yuanyuan Zheng,and Xiao Wang | EI检索 | 2011,156-157 :1305-1312 | 2011 |
52 | Numerical Simulation of Thermal/ Mechanical Coupling in Laser Transmission Microjoining of PET and Titanium | Advanced Materials Research Vols | Zhenkai Xu, Huixia Liu, Pin Li, Xinhua Song, Kai Wang, Xiao Wang | EI检索 | 2011,160-162:1118-1125 | 2011 |
53 | Optimization of Laser Transmission Joint between Different Thermoplastics using Response Surface Methodology | Advanced Materials Research | Zhenkai Xu,Kai Wang,Minfeng Jiang, Yang Hu, Cheng Zhang,Pin LI,Huixia Liu | EI检索 | 2011,291-294:1433-1439 | 2011 |
54 | AZ31B镁合金激光喷丸后的形变强化及疲劳断口分析 | 中国激光 | 黄舒,周建忠,蒋素琴,盛杰,徐增闯,阮鸿雁 | EI检索 | 2011.8,Vol.38No.8:p08030021-7 | 2011 |
55 | Al2O3 陶瓷激光铣削数值模拟与试验 | 农业机械学报 | 黄舒,周建忠,盛 杰,朱银波 | EI检索 | 2011.7,Vol.42No.7:p229-234 | 2011 |
56 | C/A code of GPS software receiver fast acquisition based on FPGA | 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering | 胥保文 | EI检索 | p 4030-4033, 2011 | 2011 |
57 | Computation and Analysis of Unbalancing Response of High Speed Machining Tool System | Advanced Materials Research | Shen, Chungen; Wang, Guicheng; Wang, Shulin; Nie, Wenwu; Liu, Gang | EI检索 | v148-149, p 40-46, 2011 | 2011 |
58 | Determining Structural Modes of HSK Tool System and Influential Factors | Advanced Materials Research | Shen, C.G.; Wang, G.C.; Wang, S.L.; Nie, W.W.; Liu, G. | EI检索 | v188, p67-72, 2011 | 2011 |
59 | Investigation on the Effect of Thickness to Sheet Metal Treated by Laser Peen Forming | Key Engineering Materials | Shu Huang, Jian Zhong Zhou, X.D. Yang, Hong Yan Ruan, Deng Hui Wei, J.R. Fan | EI检索 | 2011, Vol.464:p33-37 | 2011 |
60 | Experimental Investigation on the Influence of Tool System Imbalance on Its Vibration Characteristics | Advanced Materials Research | Chun Gen Shen, Gui Cheng Wang, Shu Lin Wang, Gang Liu | EI检索 | Vols. 291-294(2011) | 2011 |
61 | Analysis and Testing of the Dynamic Performance of Tooling System | Advanced Materials Research | Chun Gen Shen, Gui Cheng Wang, Shu Lin Wang, Gang Liu | EI检索 | Vols. 317-319(2011) | 2011 |
62 | The Imbalance Source of Spindle-Tool System and Influence to Machine Vibration Characteristics | ICDMA 2011 | Chungen Shen | EI检索 | 2011:p1288-1291 | 2011 |
63 | Experiment Investigation on Dynamic Performance of Tool System and Influential Factors | MACE 2011 | Chungen Shen | EI检索 | 2011:p1306-1309 | 2011 |
64 | 液黏传动变形界面间油膜温度场实验研究 | 中南大学学报(自然科学版) | 谢方伟,侯友夫,张立强,袁晓明,宋喜福,席涛 | EI检索 | 2011.12,Vol.42No.12:p3722-3727 | 2011 |
65 | 基于响应曲面法的激光透射连接聚合物工艺参数优化 | 激光与光电子学进展 | 姜敏凤, 许贞凯, 刘会霞, 李品,宋新华,王凯 | | 48, 071408: p071408- 1-10 | 2011 |
66 | 金属板材直线单曲面激光弯曲成形研究 | 激光与光电子学进展 | 姜敏凤, 陶茂科,刘会霞,李品,张成,王霄 | | 2011,48, 081408,p 081408- 1-5 | 2011 |
67 | 振镜扫描激光透射连接PET薄膜与316L不锈钢薄板 | 应用激光 | 姜敏凤,宋新华,王凯,张成,张虎,刘会霞 | | 2011,31(4) (p:285-290)
| 2011 |
68 | Numerical simulation and experimentation of a novel micro scale laser high speed punching | International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture | Huixia Liu , Zongbao Shen, Xiao Wang, Hejun Wang, Maoke Tao | SCI检索 | 50 (2010) 491–494.(SCI收录,IF=1.919) | 2010 |
69 | Micromould based laser shock embossing of thin metal sheets for MEMS applications | Applied Surface Science | Huixia Liu, Zongbao Shen, Xiao Wang, Hejun Wang, Maoke Tao | SCI检索 | 2010,256:4687-4691.(SCI检索,IF=1.793) | 2010 |
70 | Laser transmission joint between PET and titanium for biomedical application | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | Xiao Wang,Pin Li,Zhenkai Xu,Xinhua Song,Huixia Liu | SCI检索 | 2010,210(13): 1767-1771 (SCI检索,IF=1.143) | 2010 |
71 | The nonparaxial propagation of the TEM0I* doughnut beam with the orbital angular momentum in the far field | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | Zhengling Wang, Ming Zhou, Wei Zhang, Chuanyu Gao, Guorong Cao | SCI检索 | 283(20): 3874-3877 (SCI) | 2010 |
72 | 双面激光喷丸强化ZK60镁合金的残余应力数值研究 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 杨小东, 黄舒, 胡玲玲, 黄娟, 戴亚春 | EI检索 | 37(7): 1850-1855 | 2010 |
73 | 微齿轮注塑成型正交优化及数值模拟 | 材料工程 | 戴亚春,王匀,周建忠,陈炜,董芳 | EI检索 | 7:46-49 | 2010 |
74 | 激光弯曲陶瓷片的数值模拟 | 中国激光 | 胡玲玲, 周建忠, 杨小东, 黄舒 | EI检索 | 37(6): 1631-1635 | 2010 |
75 | MEMS金属微构件的激光微喷丸强化技术分析与展望 | 激光技术 | 樊玉杰,周建忠,黄舒,卫登辉,王敏 | | 34(5):665-669. | 2010 |
76 | 铝-锂合金薄板半导体激光弯曲成形试验研究 | 中国激光 | 丁磊,刘会霞,王鹤军,王霄 | EI检索 | 2010.8, Vol.37,No.8 p2143-2148 | 2010 |
77 | 医用PET薄膜与薄钛板激光透射连接工艺研究 | 中国激光 | 李品,刘会霞,许帧凯,宋新华,王霄 | EI检索 | 2010.7, Vol.37,No.7 p1914-1919. | 2010 |
78 | 基于田口方法的Nd:YAG脉冲激光焊接工艺参数优化 | 中国激光 | 刘会霞,向宝珍,许贞凯,宋新华,王霄 | EI检索 | 2010.11, Vol.37:p350-357 | 2010 |
79 | 医用聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯薄膜与薄钛板激光透射连接有限元模拟 | 中国激光 | 王霄,李品,刘会霞,宋新华, 许贞凯 | EI检索 | 2010.5, Vol.37(5):p1391-1397 | 2010 |
80 | 多圆弧与三角形复合织构表面的动压润滑性能 | 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) | 阮鸿雁,吕建军,司辉,刘会霞,王霄 | EI检索 | 2010,31(3):254-258 | 2010 |
81 | 铝-锂合金薄板激光弯曲成形工艺参数的优化 | 应用激光 | 姜敏凤,丁磊,王霄,刘会霞 | | 2010.10, Vol.30(5):p399-403 | 2010 |
82 | Research on modeling of shock wave pressure in micro-scale laser shot peening | Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | Wang, Min ; Zhou, Jian-Zhong; Huang, Shu; Wei, Deng-Hui; Fan, Yu-Jie; Huang, Juan | EI检索 | 17:119-122 | 2010 |
83 | A statistical approach for determining process parameters effect on fatigue crack growth induced by laser shot peening | Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | Yang, Xiao-Dong; Zhou, Jian-Zhong; Zhao, Jian-Fei; Huang, Shu; Wang, Min; Fan, Yu-Jie; Ye, Hong-Wei | EI检索 | 17: 66-69. | 2010 |
84 | Numerical Simulation on 3D Residual Stress Field of Both-side Laser Shot Peened Specimen with Center-hole | Advanced Materials Research | Yang, X.D. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Huang, S.; Hu, L.L.; Wang, C.D. | EI检索 | 97-101:3816-3819 | 2010 |
85 | Study on Strengthening Mechanism of Microscale Laser Shock Peening | Key Engineering Materials | Fan, Yujie; Zhou, Jianzhong; Huang, Shu; Wang, Min; Zhu, Yinbo; Hu, Lingling; Zhao, Jianfei | EI检索 | 431-432 :221-224 | 2010 |
86 | Finite element simulation of a novel laser high speed punching | International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2010 | Shen, Zongbao; Liu, Huixia; Wang, Hejun; Wang, Xiao | EI检索 | v 2, p 289-291, 2010 | ##### |
87 | Study of Industrial Design Practical Education Based on Digital Design Experiments | International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, CAID and CD'2010 | Wang, Chunyan; Zhang, Wenli; Yang, Jianfeng; Wang, Yayuan; Xu, Hongbing | EI检索 | v 1, p 450-453, 2010 | ##### |
88 | Determining Structural Modes of HSK Tool System Based on FEM and EMA | Advanced Materials Research | Shen, Chungen; Wang, Guicheng; Wang, Shulin; Liu, Gang | EI检索 | v139-141, p1479-1484,2010 | 2010 |
89 | 激光连续喷丸强化过程中应力的动态分析 | 中国激光 | 黄舒; 周建忠; 蒋素琴; 朱银波; 胡玲玲 | CSCD,EI检索 | Vol.37,No1,2010,1,p256-260 | 2010 |
90 | Simulative and Experimental Study on Laser Compound Forming of Plate | Advanced Materials Research | Huang, S.; Zhou, J.Z.; Chen, Y.B.; Wang, C.D.; Yang, X.D.; Dai, Y.C. | EI检索 | v 97-101, p3857-3860,2010 | 2010 |
91 | Experimental Study on Laser Shock Peening of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheet | Materials Science Forum | Huang, S.; Zhou, J.Z.; Jiang, S.Q.; Yang, X.D.; Wang, C.D.; Dai, Y.C. | EI检索 | v 628-629, p 691-696,2010 | 2010 |
92 | 复合固体润滑膜的切削性能研究 | 润滑与密封 | 易小勇,李长生,宋昌才,司艺 | | 2010.6,Vol.35No.6:p33-36 | 2010 |
93 | 脉冲激光烧蚀凹腔的实验分析及数值模拟 | 中国激光 | 刘会霞,杨胜军,王霄,李黎辉 | EI检索 | 2009, 36(1): 219-223 | 2009 |
94 | 热塑性聚氨酯弹性体薄膜激光透射焊接工艺 | 中国激光 | 刘会霞,李品,邢安,袁晓明,向宝珍,王霄 | EI检索 | 2009, 36(s1): 156-160 | 2009 |
95 | 激光驱动飞片加载金属箔板成形实验研究 | 中国激光 | 刘会霞,杨昆,王匀,王霄,周明 | EI检索 | 2009, 36(5): 1292-1295 | 2009 |
96 | 激光切割超音速喷嘴的流场特性 | 中国激光 | 阮鸿雁,吕建军,杨波,王霄,刘会霞 | EI检索 | 2009, 36(5): 1233-1238 | 2009 |
97 | 金属箔板激光动态微拉深成形技术 | 光电子·激光 | 刘会霞,李保春,杨昆,陈成,沈宗宝,王霄,周明 | EI检索 | 2009,20(3):363-365 | 2009 |
98 | 激光驱动飞片加载金属箔板成形机理研究 | 中国机械工程 | 刘会霞 杨昆 王霄 王匀 李保春 高传玉 周明 | | 2009,20(7):865-868 | 2009 |
99 | 基于改进BP神经网络的数控机床振动趋势预测 | 制造技术与机床 | 黄建军,刘会霞,杨润党,倪炎榕,王霄 | | 2009,4:63-65 | 2009 |
100 | 激光驱动飞片加载金属箔板成形及数值模拟, | 塑性工程学报 | 王霄,杨昆,刘会霞,王匀,李保春,沈宗保 | | 2009,vol.16,NO.1:25-30 | 2009 |
101 | 两种不同热塑性塑料之间的激光透射焊接试验 | 焊接学报 | 王霄,杨昆,张惠中,刘会霞 | EI检索 | 2009,vol.30,NO.5:97-100 | 2009 |
102 | 衍射型激光透射塑料焊接的衍射光学元件设计与分析 | 中国激光 | 王霄,李品,陈成,邢安,向宝珍,刘会霞 | EI检索 | 2009, vol.36(s1): 161-165 | 2009 |
103 | 激光驱动飞片加载金属箔板成形的加载机制 | 中国激光 | 王霄,杨昆,刘会霞,王匀,李保春,高传玉,周明 | EI检索 | 2009, vol.36.NO.6:1569-1574 | 2009 |
104 | 从自然到仿生的超疏水表面的微观结构 | 纳米技术与精密工程 | 叶霞, 周明, 李健, 刘会霞, 袁润, 杨海峰, 保家,蔡兰 | EI检索 | Vol.7,No.5,2009,9p381-386 | 2009 |
105 | Numerical simulation and experimentation of a novel laser indirect shock forming | Journal of Applied Physics | Huixia Liu, Zongbao Shen, Xiao Wang, Hejun Wang | SCI检索 | 2009,106,063107 (SCI检索,IF=2.201) | 2009 |
106 | Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Coated Tool on High Speed Orthogonal Machining | Key Engineering Materials | H.X. Liu, H. Yan, X. Wang, S.B .Lu, K. Yang and L. Cai | EI检索 | Vols. 392-394 (2009) pp 879-883 | 2009 |
107 | Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of Cutting-Direction Burr Formation | Key Engineering Materials | X. Wang, H. Yan, C. Liang, B. Wu, H.X. Liu and L. Cai | EI检索 | Vols. 392-394 (2009) pp 88-92 | 2009 |
108 | Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Flows on Internal and Outside Flow Field in High Pressure Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Nozzle | Key Engineering Materials | H.Y. Ruan, H.X .Liu, S.Y. Ding, K. Yang, X. Wang and L. Cai | EI检索 | Vols. 392-394 (2009) pp 565-569 | 2009 |
109 | An extracted method for slip length of super-hydrophobic surfaces: taking into account the influence of contact area reduction on results | Review of Scientific Instruments | Ming Zhou, Jian Li, Haifeng Yang, Baojia Li, Huixia Liu, Lan Cai, Xia Ye | SCI检索 | 2009 (SCI检索) | 2009 |
110 | Investigation of ultrafast electron dynamics of nickel film and micro-nano-structure film | Chinese Optics Letters | Weifeng Jin, Ming Zhou, Changlong Liu, Hui Wang, Huixia Liu, and Naifei Ren | SCI检索 | 2009,7(7):650.(SCI检索) | 2009 |
111 | 激光在脆性材料加工中的应用 | 中国激光 | 朱银波,周建忠,黄舒,樊玉杰,蒋素琴 | EI检索 | 36s1:143-146 | 2009 |
112 | 激光清洗技术研究及应用 | 中国激光 | 王敏,周建忠,黄舒,胡玲玲 | EI检索 | 36s1:174-177 | 2009 |
113 | Prediction on Residual Stress and Fatigue Life of Magnesium Alloy Treated by Laser Shot Peening | Materials Science Forum | Jiang, S.Q.; Zhou, J.Z.; Fan, Y.J.; Huang, S.; Zhao, J.F | EI检索 | 626-627:393-398. | 2009 |
114 | The Optimization of Processing Parameters and Experimental Investigation on Ni-based Components Fabricated by Laser Cladding | Key Engineering Materials | Ji, Xia ; Zhou, Jianzhong; Qiu, Feng; Jiang, Suqing | EI检索 | 407-408: 676-679 | 2009 |
115 | Influence of Compressive Stress on Stress Intensity Factor of Hole Edge Crack by High Strain Rate Laser Shock Processing | Materials and Design | Ren, X.D.; Zhang, Y.K.; Zhou, J.Z.; Lu, J.Z.; Zhou, L.C. | EI检索 | 30: 3512-3517 | 2009 |
116 | Numerical Simulation On Fatigue Crack Growth Of Metal Sheet Induced By Laser Shot Peening | International Journal Of Modern Physics B | Zhou Jian-zhong, Zhao Jian-fei, Huang Shu | SCI检索 | 23,6 & 7 :1646-1651 | 2009 |
117 | Investigation of the stress intensity factor changing on the hole crack subject to laser shock processing | Materials and Design | Zhang, Y.K.; Ren, X.D.; Zhou, J.Z.; Lu, J.Z.; Zhou, L.C | EI检索 | 30:2769-2773 | 2009 |
118 | Modeling and Simulation of Implant-supported Fixed Partial Dentures Prosthodontic | Applied Mechanics and Materials | Liu, Donglei; Yan, Hua; Shen, Zongbao; Song, Xinhua; Wang, Xiao | EI检索 | Vols. 16-19(2009) pp 1112-1116 | 2009 |
119 | New Methods for SOC Training | Proceedings of The 9th international Conference on Modern Industrial Training | Sun Zhiquan,Xu Baowen,Zhou Yan,Chen Lu,Liu Huixia,Xu Zhenying,Yuan Yinnan | | 2009,10,308-311 | 2E+05 |
120 | 激光驱动飞片加载金属箔板成形机理研究 | 中国机械工程 | 刘会霞,杨昆,王霄等. | | 2009,20(7):865-868 | 2011 |
121 | HSK 主轴 —工具系统不平衡精度等级的计算和控制 | 工具技术 | 沈春根,王贵成,王树林 | | 2009,Vol.43No.12:p50-52 | 2009 |
122 | 静电喷雾灭蝗机具的机械设计 | 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) | 葛福才、许友谊、沈良钧、许乔宝、葛涛 | EI检索 | vol.30,NO.3,2009(p236-240) | 2009 |
123 | Machine Vision On-Line Detection Quality of Soft Capsules Base on SVM | Computer and Computing Technologies in AgricultureII | 葛福才、石吉勇、许友谊、邹小波、赵杰文 | | Volume 2 | 2009 |
124 | On-Line Sorting Maturity of Cherry Tomato by Machine Vision | Computer and Computing Technologies in AgricultureII | 张应龙、殷晓平、邹小波、赵杰文 | | vol.2009921742(P2223-2225)Volume 3 | 2009 |
125 | ON-LINE DETECTION OF DEFECTS ON FRUIT BY MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS BASED ON THREE-COLOR-CAMERAS SYSTEMS | Computer and Computing Technologies in AgricultureII | 许乔宝、邹小波、赵杰文 | | vol.2009921742(P2231-2235)Volume 3 | 2009 |
126 | Numerical Simulation on Laser Peen Forming of sheet Metal | Materials Science Forum | Zhou, Jianzhong ; Fan, Yujie; Huang, Shu; Jiang, Suqin; Du, Jianjun | EI 检索 | 575-578: 572-578 | 2008 |
127 | Mechanism and Experiment of Surface Modification by Means of Laser Cladding Combined with Laser Shot Peening | PICALO 2008 Conference Proceedings | Jiang, Suqin ; Zhou, Jianzhong; Huang, Shu; Xia, Ji | EI 检索 | 100-105,4.16-18 | 2008 |
128 | Theoretical Study on the Bending Deformation of Metal Plate Induced by Repetitive Laser Shot Peening | Key Engineering Materials | Zhou, Jianzhong ; Huang, Shu; Ji, Xia; Du, Jianjun; Yang, Chaojun; Zhang, Yongkang | EI 检索 | 375-376:57-61 | 2008 |
129 | Dynamical Simulation and Experimental Study on Laser Peen Forming of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy Plate | PICALO 2008 Conference Proceedings | Zhou, Jianzhong ; Huang, Shu; Fan, Yujie; Jiang, Suqin; Xiao, Li; Sun, Yueqing; Chen, Yibin | EI 检索 | 4.16-18:646-651 | 2008 |
130 | Study on the process of laser compound forming of sheet metal | PICALO 2008 Conference Proceedings | Chen, Yibin; Zhou, Jianzhong; Huang, Shu; Xiao, Li; Sun, Yueqing | EI 检索 | 442-447,4.16-18 | 2008 |
131 | FE simulation of complex contour forming of sheet metals based on laser bending | Materials Science Forum | Chen, Yibin; Zhou, Jianzhong; Huang, Shu; Sun, Yueqing | EI 检索 | 575-578:696-701 | 2008 |
132 | Experimental Investigation on the Nickel-based metal components fabricated by laser cladding. | Key Engineering Materials | Ji, Xia; Zhou, Jianzhong; Guo, Huafeng; Xu, Dapeng | EI 检索 | 375-376:338-342 | 2008 |
133 | Numerical Analysis on the Process of Laser Continuous Peen Forming of Metal Plate | Key Engineering Materials | Jiang, Suqin; Zhou, Jianzhong; Huang, Shu; Du, Jianjun; Sun, Yueqing; Yang, Jichang | EI 检索 | 375-376:603-607 | 2008 |
134 | Optimization of laser peening parameters using Taguchi method | Applied Mechanics and Materials | Sun, Y.Q. ; Zhou, J.Z.; Chen, Y.B.; Huang, S. | EI 检索 | 10-12:692-296 | 2008 |
135 | 3D finite element simulation for the temperature field of direct metal laser sintering process | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | Xia, Ji ; Jian, Zhong Zhou; Hua, Feng Guo; Su, Qing Jiang | SCI检索 | 5:1578-1582 | 2008 |
136 | Numerical Simulation of Laser Surface micro-Texturing | Materials Science Forum | Hui-Xia LIU, YiXing CHEN, Xiao WANG, Xiaoxia MENG ,Yonghong FU, Lan CAI | EI检索 | 2008,Vols. 575-578,pp 678-683 | 2008 |
138 | Numerical Simulation and Experiment Study on Pulsed laser Surface Micro-texturing in Carbon Tool Steel | Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific International Conference on Application of Lasers and Optics | Huixia Liu , Shengjun Yang , Xiao Wang. | EI检索 | 2008 , p 992-997 | 2008 |
139 | Research on Laser Transmission Welding PVC | Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific International Conference on Application of Lasers and Optics | Huixia Liu,An Xing,Cheng Chen, Huizhong Zhang,Xiao Wang | EI检索 | p 982-986, 2008 | 2008 |
140 | Full numerical simulation to the performance of micro-textured mechanical face seals. | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (JAMS) | Wang, Xiao;Liu, Huixia;Chen,Wei; Liu, Changjing;Fu,Yonghong,Cai,Lan | EI检索 | 2008.02.vol7.p267-270 | 2008 |
141 | Research on Cold Taper-Rolling Law of the Spiral Blade Based on Finite Element Method | Materials Science Forum | Xiao WANG,Xiao bo FAN,Huixia LIU | EI检索 | Vols. 575-578 (2008) pp 305-310 | 2008 |
142 | 高速诱导轮三维非定常湍流数值模拟 | 排灌机械 | 许友谊、奚伟永、杨敏官 | | vol,26,No.3 may 2008(p59-63) | 2008 |
143 | 拼焊板弯曲成形中的回弹精确预测及关键问题分析 | 煤矿机械 | 马伟民 | | VOL.29,NO.5,2008(P91-93) | 2008 |
144 | 基于弧形顶板模具结构的激光拼焊板回弹控制研究 | 拖拉机与农用运输车 | 马伟民、应才苏、朱元右、袁国定 | | VOL.35,NO.6,dec.,2008(p75-77) | 2008 |
145 | 基于电子视觉的小型水果智能分级设备的开发研究 | 粮油加工 | 张应龙、许友谊、葛福才、 | | NO.9,2008(P123-124) | 2008 |
146 | HSK工具系统结构模态的有限元分析 | 工具技术 | 沈春根; 王贵成; 王树林; | | 2008,6 ,P54-56 | 2008 |
147 | HSK工具系统临界转速的有限元计算和分析 | 机械设计与研究 | 沈春根; 王贵成; 王树林; | | Vol.24,No5,2008,10,p116-124 | 2008 |
148 | 多种规则微造型表面摩擦特性的试验研究 | 润滑与密封 | 刘东雷; 孟小霞; 袁春俭; 符永宏; 王霄; 王亚元 | | Vol.33,No7,2008,7,p28-31 | 2008 |
149 | V、Nb与变形条件对含钒微合金钢形变强化相变的影响 | 农业机械学报 | 李新城,张炎,姜银方,蒯苏苏,蔡守桂 | EI检索 | 2008,5,p186-191 | 2008 |
150 | Effect of V,Nb and Deformation Condition on Deformation Enhanced Ferrite Transformation in V-microalloying Steel | Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery | Li, Xincheng ; Zhang, Yan; Jiang, Yinfang; Kuai, Susu; Cai, Shougui | EI检索 | v39,n5,p186-191,2008,5 | 2008 |
151 | Theoretical and Experimental Study on Laser Compound Forming of Plate | Key Engineering Materials | Huang, Shu; Zhou, Jianzhong; Chen, Yibin; Sun, Yueqing; Du, Jianjun | EI检索 | v375-376, p343-347,2008
| 2008 |
152 | Visual Study on Surface Micro-topography and Residual Stress of Sheet Metal after Pulsed Laser Peening | Key Engineering Materials | Huang, S.; Zhou, J.Z.; Du, J.J.; Sun, Y.Q.; Ni, M.X. | EI检索 | v373-374, p334-337,2008
| 2008 |
153 | Numerical Simulation and Response Optimizer Design of Strengthening Effects Induced by Laser Shock Peenin | Materials Science Forum | Huang, Shu; Zhou, Jian-Zhong; Sun, Yue-Qing; Chen, Yi-Bin; Jiang, Su-Qin | EI检索 | 575-578:p373-378 | 2008 |
154 | 规则微造型表面磨损过程的有限元分析 | 润滑与密封 | 刘会霞,袁春俭,司辉,王霄,符永宏 | | 2008,Vol.33,No.2,(p1-4) | 2008 |
155 | HDPE激光透射焊接工艺的研究 | 材料工程 | 刘会霞,张惠中,丁国民,王霄 | EI检索 | 2008(11)(p13-18) | 2008 |
156 | 聚氯乙烯激光透射焊接温度场的有限元模拟 | 中国激光 | 刘会霞,邢安,张惠中,李品,向宝珍,王霄 | EI检索 | Vol.35,No.11,2008,11,(p1801-1807) | 2008 |
157 | 聚丙烯塑料激光透射焊接工艺 | 中国激光 | 王霄,张惠中,丁国民,季进清,刘会霞 | EI检索 | vol.35,No.32008,3,P466-471 | 2008 |
158 | 基于全息技术的激光透射塑料焊接研究 | 激光技术 | 王霄, 季进清,张惠中, 刘会霞 | | vol.32,2008.NO.5.P510-512 | 2008 |
159 | 车削真实粗糙表面的弹塑性接触有限元分析 | 润滑与密封 | 王霄,梁春,刘会霞,闫华 | | 2008, vol.33(12):p72-74,110 | 2008 |
160 | 激光喷丸强化铝合金疲劳特性的数字化分析 | 中国激光 | 周建忠,黄舒,赵建飞,蒋素琴,朱银波,杨建风 | EI检索 | 35(11):1735-1740 | 2008 |
161 | 弹性预加载下板料激光喷丸成形特性 | 中国激光 | 张兴权,张永康,周建忠,顾永玉,王正 | EI检索 | 35(7):1095-1099 | 2008 |
162 | 微注射浇注系统对微制件熔接缝形成的影响的模拟研究 | 材料工程 | 戴亚春,王匀,周建忠 | EI检索 | 3:28-31 | 2008 |
163 | 激光熔覆成形Ni 基合金层的研究 | 金属铸锻焊技术 | 郭华锋,李志,周建忠,徐大鹏 | | 37(11):77-80 | 2008 |
164 | 激光冲击对金属板料裂纹的影响模型 | 中国机械工程 | 任旭东,张永康,周建忠,顾永玉,周立春 | EI检索 | 19(3):35-360 | 2008 |
165 | 基于Taguchi方法的激光喷丸强化工艺参量的优化研究 | 激光技术 | 孙月庆,周建忠,梁庆磊,陈毅彬,黄舒 | | 4:377-380 | 2008 |
166 | 金属板料激光预应力复合的喷丸成形 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 黄舒, 杜建钧, 陈毅彬, 孙月庆 | EI检索 | 34(6): 861-865 | 2007 |
167 | 金属板料激光喷丸成形理论研究与数值模拟 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 倪敏雄, 张永康, 杨超君, 杜建钧, 曹向广 | EI检索 | 34(2):288-291 | 2007 |
168 | 激光喷丸后板料表面微观形貌的可视化数值研究 | 中国激光 | 周建忠, 杜建钧, 黄舒, 杨超君, 倪敏雄, 曹向广 | EI检索 | 34(5):728-732 | 2007 |
169 | 激光直接烧结成形金属零件的实验研究 | 中国激光 | 周建忠,郭华锋,徐大鹏,季霞 | EI检索 | 34S.:151-155 | 2007 |
170 | 激光直接烧结成形多层金属薄壁件的温度场有限元模拟 | 中国机械工程 | 周建忠, 郭华锋, 徐大鹏, 季霞 | EI检索 | 18(21):2618-2623 | 2007 |
171 | 金属板料的激光喷丸变形理论 | 材料研究学报 | 周建忠, 杜建钧, 黄舒, 杨超君 | EI检索 | 21(6):622-626 | 2007 |
172 | 基于激光喷丸的板料成形试验研究 | 塑性工程学报 | 张兴权, 张永康, 周建忠, 顾永玉 | EI检索 | 14(5):62-66 | 2007 |
173 | 激光窄条喷丸成形的实验研究 | 中国激光 | 张兴权, 张永康, 周建忠, 顾永玉, 杨超君 | EI检索 | 34(10):1446-1450 | 2007 |
174 | 金属板料激光冷塑性弯曲的研究 | 航空学报 | 张兴权, 张永康, 周建忠, 顾永玉, 杜建钧 | EI检索 | 28(1):249-252 | 2007 |
175 | 激光冲击工艺对钛合金疲劳寿命的影响 | 中国有色金属学报 | 任旭东, 张永康, 周建忠, 顾永玉, 张新权 | EI检索 | 17(9):1486-1489 | 2007 |
176 | 激光熔覆裂纹产生机理及控制方法分析 | 工具技术 | 徐大鹏, 周建忠, 郭华锋, 季霞 | | 41(4):24-28 | 2007 |
177 | 激光冲击钛合金表面退火后的残余应力分布 | 农业机械学报 | 任旭东, 张永康, 周建忠, 殷苏民, 孔德军 | EI检索 | 38(5):165-167 | 2007 |
178 | 航空钛合金的激光冲击研究 | 华中科技大学学报 | 任旭东, 张永康, 周建忠, 马壮 | EI检索 | 35:150-152 | 2007 |
179 | 发动机曲轴的激光冲击复合处理工艺研究 | 内燃机工程 | 任旭东, 张永康, 周建忠, 张新权 | EI检索 | 28(2):56-59 | 2007 |
180 | QT700球墨铸铁曲轴的激光冲击强化试验 | 江苏大学学报 | 任旭东, 张永康, 周建忠, 孔德军, 张新权 | EI检索 | 28(4):289-292 | 2007 |
181 | 激光熔覆成形薄壁金属制件精度的预测模型 | 中国激光 | 徐大鹏,周建忠,郭华锋,季霞 | EI检索 | 34S:102-105 | 2007 |
182 | 球铁曲轴零件的激光冲击强化 | 中国激光 | 杨建风,周建忠,冯爱新 | EI检索 | 2007.增刊,Vol.34:p78-81 | 2007 |
183 | 受控激光喷丸强化技术 | 中国激光 | 孙月庆,周建忠,陈毅彬,黄舒 | EI检索 | 34S:74-77 | 2007 |
184 | Non-traditional forming process of sheet metal based on laser shock waves | Key Engineering Material | J.Z. Zhou, H.X. Liu, C.J. Yang, X.G. Cao | EI 检索 | 2007,Vol.329:637-642 | 2007 |
185 | High Dense Compressive Residual Stress Produced in Laser Shock Processing on Ti6Al4V Alloys | Key Engineering Materials | Ren, X.D. ; Zhang, Y.K.; Zhou, J.Z.; Gu, Y.Y.; Xu, Y.Y.; Zhang, X.Q. | EI 检索 | 353-358:1617-1620 | 2007 |
186 | Coating Effect on Increasing Mechanical Property of 6061-T651 Alloy by Laser Shock Processing | Materials Science Forum | X.D. Ren, Y.K. Zhang, J.Z. Zhou, A.X. Fen and J.Z. Lu | EI 检索 | 546-549: 681-686 | 2007 |
187 | Effect of Shot Strip Interval and Shot Times on Laser shot Peen-forming with Repetition Laser Pulse | Key Engineering Materials | Yang, Chaojun; Zhang, Yongkang; Zhou, Jianzhong; Ni, Mingyong; Du, Jianjun; Zhang, Xingquan; Zhou, Jun; Cao, Xiangguang | EI 检索 | 353-358:199-202 | 2007 |
188 | 金属板料激光喷丸与机械喷丸强化的应力场模拟 | 中国激光 | 杜建钧,周建忠,杨超君,倪敏雄,曹向广,黄舒 | EI检索 | 34S:98-101 | 2007 |
189 | Delta 型并联运动激光切割机床的工作空间分析 | 农业机械学报 | 王霄,韩亚峰,刘会霞 | EI检索 | 2007.vol.38.NO.1 p154-157 | 2007 |
190 | 基于ABAQUS的金属板料激光冲击成形数值模拟 | 农业机械学报 | 周建忠,杜建钧,杨超君,刘会霞等 | EI检索 | 2007,Vol.38(1):132-138 | 2007 |
191 | Coating Influence Residual Stress in laser Shock Processing | progresses in fracture and strength of materials and structures | Xu, Y.Y. ; Ren, X.D.; Zhang, Y.K.; Zhou, J.Z.; Zhang, X.Q. | EI检索 | Volumes353-358 of key engineering materidls 4-vol.-set(P1753-1756) | 2007 |
192 | 金属板料受控激光喷丸强化中的残余应力场分析 | 农业机械学报 | 黄舒,周建忠,陈毅彬,孙月庆 | EI检索 | 2007.12, Vol.38No.12:p195-199 | 2007 |
193 | 连续螺旋叶片异面成形规律研究与有限元模拟. | 煤矿机械 | 刘会霞,范晓波,王霄 | | 2007.1 vol.28.NO.1.(p 565-567+580) | 2007 |
194 | 飞锤支架中心孔的加工工艺设计 | 制造技术与机床 | 顾佩兰、宋昌才 | | No.8,2007. (p26-28) | 2007 |
195 | 基于电子视觉系统的软胶囊自动分选机的开发研究 | 食品科技 | 张应龙、葛福才、许友谊 | | vol.193,NO.11,2007(p135-138) | 2007 |
196 | 激光板料成形技术的研究与应用 | 机械设计与制造 | 陈毅彬, 周建忠, 孙月庆, 黄舒 | | 9:132-134 | 2007 |
197 | 激光冲击强化效果的无损检测 | 机床与液压 | 杨建风, 周建忠, 冯爱新 | | 35(5):160-162 | 2007 |
198 | 基于进化神经网络的激光熔覆层质量预测 | 激光技术 | 徐大鹏, 周建忠, 郭华锋, 季霞 | | 31(5):511-514 | 2007 |
199 | 应用ABAQUS模拟激光焊接温度场 | 激光技术 | 胡增荣, 周建忠, 郭华锋, 杜建钧 | | 31(3):326-329 | 2007 |
200 | 激光熔覆成形有限元模拟的研究进展 | 热加工工艺 | 郭华锋, 李志, 周建忠, 季霞, 李粤 | | 36(19):80-83 | 2007 |
201 | 铝合金板激光冲击变形实验及有限元模拟 | 激光技术 | 王广龙,周建忠 | | 31(5):555-557 | 2007 |
202 | 同轴送粉激光熔覆件质量影响因素的研究 | 工具技术 | 季霞, 周建忠, 郭华锋, 徐大鹏 | | 41(8):27-31 | 2007 |
203 | 基于Abaqus的激光板料成形的数值模拟 | 应用激光 | 陈毅彬,周建忠,黄舒,孙月庆,蒋素琴 | | 27(3):175-180 | 2007 |
204 | 基于N-S方程的微造型表面动压润滑性能的分析研究 | 润滑与密封 | 王霄, 孟小霞,刘东雷,刘会霞 | | 2007,Vol.32(3):38-42 | 2007 |
205 | 不同微细造型几何形貌对润滑性能影响的数值模拟 | 润滑与密封 | 王霄,张广海,陈卫,刘会霞, 符永宏,蔡兰 | | 2007,Vol.32(8):66-73 | 2007 |
206 | 激光微造型中烧蚀热场及弹坑的数值模拟 | 激光技术 | 王霄, 陈怡星, 刘会霞,刘长京,丁国民 | | 2007, Vol.31(6):565-580 | 2007 |
207 | A Comparison Study on the Effectiveness of Stepped Binder and Weld Line Clamping Pins on Formability Improvement for Tailor Welded Blanks | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 陈炜 | SCI | 207 (2008) | 2008 |
208 | Study on Multi-stage Sheet Metal Forming for Automobile Structure-pieces | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 陈炜 | SCI | 187-188 (2007) | 2007 |
209 | 纳米晶体Ti表面磁控溅射SiC薄膜的干摩擦学性能 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 许晓静 | SCI | 2011, 40 (6): 991-994 | 2011 |
210 | SiC薄膜对纳米结构Ti拉伸和摩擦学性能的影响 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 许晓静 | SCI | 2007, 36 (s1): 911-914 | 2007 |
211 | 锶微合金化的高锌2099型铝合金抗晶间腐蚀及剥蚀性能研究 | 稀有金属材料与工程 | 许晓静 | SCI | 2011, 40 (s2): 248-251 | 2011 |
212 | Microstructured-core photonic-crystal fiber for ultra-sensitive refractive index sensing | Optics Express | 孙兵,陈明阳等 | SCI | 201106 | 2011 |
213 | Design and analysis of multi-ring microstructured-core optical fibers | Optics Communications | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2011,19(5) | 2011 |
214 | Design of dual-mode optical fibres for the FTTH applications | Journal of Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2011,284(24) | 2011 |
215 | Design and analysis of a low-loss terahertz directional coupler based on three-core photonic crystal fibre configuration | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2011,13(1) | 2011 |
216 | Bend Insensitive Design of Large-Mode-Area Microstructured Optical Fibers | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2011, 44(40) | 2011 |
217 | 用于太赫兹波传输的低损耗、高双折射光纤研究 | 物理学报 | 付晓霞,陈明阳 | SCI | 2011, 29(15) | 2011 |
218 | Proposal and design of sectorial cladding optical fibre for large-mode-area, single-mode operation | Journal of Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2010, 12(5) | 2010 |
219 | Design of all-solid large-mode area microstructured-core optical fibers | Optics Communications | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2010, 283(16) | 2010 |
220 | Design of broadband polarization splitter based on partial coupling in square-lattice photonic-crystal fiber | Applied Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2010, 49(16) | 2010 |
221 | Broadband Single-Polarization Operation in Square-Lattice Photonic Crystal Fibers | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2010, 28(10) | 2010 |
222 | Design and Analysis of Single-Mode Polymer Segment Cladding Optical Fibers | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2010, 28(22) | 2010 |
223 | Coupling characteristics of three-core photonic crystal fiber couplers | Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2009, 11(1) | 2009 |
224 | Wavelength-selective coupling of dual-core photonic crystal fiber and its application | Chinese Optics Letters | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2009, 7(5) | 2009 |
225 | A novel WDM component based on a three-core photonic crystal fiber | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2009, 7(13) | 2009 |
226 | Mode converter based on mode coupling in an asymmetric dual-core photonic crystal fibre | Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2008, 10(11) | 2008 |
227 | Improved design of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fibers | Optics Letters | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2008, 33(21) | 2008 |
228 | Polarization-maintaining large-mode-area microstructured-core optical fibers | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2008, 26(13) | 2008 |
229 | Polarization and leakage properties of rectangular lattice photonic crystal fibres with doped cores | Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2007, 9(7) | 2007 |
230 | Polarization-maintaining large-mode-area photonic crystal fibres with solid microstructured cores | Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2007, 9(10) | 2007 |
231 | Polarization and leakage properties of large-mode-area microstructured-core optical fibers | Optics Express | 陈明阳 | SCI | 2007, 15(19) | 2007 |
232 | Application of orthogonal sampling to incomplete data interferometric tomography: Numerical simulation and experimental analysis | Applied Optics | 姚红兵 | SCI | 2008 | 2008 |
233 | Measurement on infrared radiation burning temperature field with Moire deviation tomography | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | 姚红兵 | SCI | 2007 | 2007 |
234 | 高胆固醇血样的红外吸收光谱研究 | 光谱学与光谱分析 | 姚红兵 | SCI | 2007, 27(6) | 2007 |
235 | Microstructured-core photonic-crystal fiber for ultra-sensitive refractive index sensing | Optics Express | 孙兵、陈明阳 | SCI | 2011,19(5) | 2011 |
236 | 激光拼焊板成形极限图的理论建立方法 | 机械工程学报 | 陈炜 | EI | 2009 | 2009 |
237 | 双相钢拼焊板温拉伸流变应力研究 | 机械工程学报 | 陈炜 | EI | 2011 | 2011 |
238 | Experiment and analysis of squirrel cage asynchronous magnetic coupling | Key Engineering Materials | 杨超君 | EI | 2011, 464: 28-32 | 2011 |
239 | Performance analysis of auto-control adjustable speed asynchronous disk magnetic coupling | Advanced Materials Research | 杨超君 | EI | 2011, 199-200: 313-317 | 2011 |
240 | 鼠笼转子磁力联轴器空载气隙磁场有限元分析 | 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) | 杨超君 | EI | 2010, 31(1) | 2010 |
241 | 鼠笼转子异步磁力联轴器磁场的有限元瞬态分析 | 江苏大学学报(自然科学版) | 杨超君 | EI | 2010, 31(4) | 2010 |
242 | Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Field of Solid Rotor Asynchronous Permanent Magnetic Coupling by Finite Element Method | Materials Science Forum | 杨超君 | EI | 2008 | 2008 |
243 | Effect of shot strip interval and shot times on laser shot peen-forming with repetition laser pulse | Key Engineering Materials | 杨超君 | EI | 2007 | 2007 |
244 | 激光冲击强化的冲击波幅值和飞行时间的测量 | 激光技术 | 王飞、姚红兵 | CSCD | 2010, 34(5) | 2010 |
245 | 遮光法测量铝薄板高压加载下的动态特征量 | 激光技术 | 袁蓓、姚红兵 | CSCD | 2011, 35(1) | 2011 |
246 | Emission spectra of aluminum plasma induced by high energy and multi-pulse laser | 强激光与粒子束 | 姚红兵 | CSCD | 2011, 23(8) | 2011 |
247 | AZ31B镁合金中强激光诱发冲击波的实验研究 | 中国激光 | 于水生、姚红兵 | CSCD | 2010, 37(5) | 2010 |
248 | 光通过纳米颗粒随机散射体透射光强的计算及分析 | 光学学报 | 叶云霞 | CSCD | 2007, 27(5): 951-956 | 2007 |
249 | 全柔性并联机器人支链静刚度矩阵的建立 | 中国机械工程 | 杨启志 | EI | 200810 | 2008 |
250 | 三平移全柔性并联微动机器人机构静力学分析 | 农业机械学报 | 杨启志 | EI | 200711 | 2007 |
251 | 基于影响系数的新型全柔性微动并联机器人运动特性分析 | 中国机械工程 | 杨启志 | EI | 200702 | 2007 |
252 | Kinematic Analysis and Simulation on Parallel Vibration Reduction Seat | Key engineering materials:functional manufacturing technologies and ceeusro II | 杨启志 | EI | 201009 | 2010 |
253 | Design of the fully compliant three-translational parallel micro-displacement vibration actuator | 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering (MACE2010) | 杨启志 | EI | 201006 | 2010 |
254 | 基于并联机构的车辆多维减振座椅的设计 | 机械设计 | 杨启志 | SCD | 201109 | 2011 |
255 | 三自由度全柔性并联微动激振台的设计研究 | 机械设计与研究 | 杨启志 | SCD | 201103 | 2011 |
256 | Analysis of traditional revolute pair and the design of a new compliant joint | 2011 International Workshop of Automobile, Power and Energy Engineering(APEE 2011) | 杨启志 | EI | 201106 | 2011 |
257 | Design of the Damping Seat Based on Parallel Mechanisms | 2011 International Workshop of Automobile, Power and Energy Engineering(APEE 2011) | 杨启志 | EI | 201106 | 2011 |