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Prof. Jiang Zhongwei at Yamaguchi University visits JU
Date:2015-01-06   View:

January 6, at the invitation of Vice President Song Yuqing and head of the Industrial Center of Jiangsu University, Professor Jiang Zhongwei at Japan’s Yamaguchi University paid a visit to Jiangsu University. They held talks on the cooperation project termed “Summer Program on Innovative Engineering Design” jointly sponsored by China, Japan and South Korea. The meeting between Vice President Song Yuqing and Professor Jiang Zhongwei was also attended by heads of such departments of Jiangsu University as the Industrial Center, the School of Computer Science & Telecommunications Engineering, the School of Electrical & Information Engineering and the International Office.

Professor Jiang Zhongwei at Yamaguchi University is part-time professor at Jiangsu University as well. He is a specialist in fields of smart sensors and sensor technology, micro-manipulator, vibration and control, fault diagnosis and monitoring, etc. In recent years he has devoted himself to promoting the international cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea in teaching and innovative talent cultivation. After the meeting with Vice President Song Yuqing, Professor Jiang Zhongwei gave a lecture entitled “Innovative talent cultivation trends and teaching practice in the world” to students and faculties from the School of Machinery Engineering, the School of Computer Science & Telecommunications Engineering, and the School of Electrical & Information Engineering of Jiangsu University.

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