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Director Yu Songzhang and his party visited the Industrial Center
Date:2020-11-05   View:

On the morning of November 4, Yu Songzhang, director of the industrial training center of Taiyuan Institute of technology, and his party visited the industrial center and the general mechanical and electrical plant. Li Wei, director of the electromechanical plant, and Zhou Lian, director of the industrial center, warmly received the guests.

Director Li Wei first welcomed the visit of director Yu Songzhang and his party, and briefly introduced the facilities and equipment, staff team, production and operation of the electromechanical plant. The director of the industrial center Zhou Lian introduced the work done in the construction of industrial center laboratory, engineering training and innovation and Entrepreneurship of college students. LV Xiang, deputy director of the plant, introduced the experience and practice of engineering training teaching in electromechanical plant from the aspects of teaching system, quality evaluation, operation guarantee and teaching results.

Director Yu Songzhang introduced the situation of Taiyuan Institute of technology in terms of innovation projects and college students' competitions, and made in-depth discussions and exchanges on the construction of teaching staff, the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship platform, and the reform of practical teaching.

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