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g rostrum -- Fly wings for dreams
Date:2021-03-02   View:

    In order to further promote university-enterprise cooperation and promote the integration of industry, education and research in the laser field, The industrial Center invited Zhou Shuangliu, chairman of Jiangsu Jinhaichuang Technology Co., LTD., and vice Chairman of the Laser Industry Association to give a lecture on December 24, 2020.

    With the theme of "Flying Wings for Dreams", Chairman Zhou shuangliu shared his own entrepreneurial experience and life perception to the guests, teachers and students in an all-round and three-dimensional way. Zhou shared: "There is no shortcut to success, the only way to success is to study hard and persevere, and form a suitable and effective learning method." From the humble beginnings to the establishment of a cross-industry group enterprise, the unique entrepreneurial thinking and tenacious entrepreneurial spirit left a deep impression on the students present. Based on his own entrepreneurial experience, Mr. Zhou put forward constructive suggestions for students' career planning and gave them a sentence: "Be a dreamer. There is no longer road than foot and no mountain higher than man. As long as you persist, you will succeed." After the lecture, the students said that they had gained a lot and had a deeper understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship as well as laser marking industry.

    Subsequently, the School of Mechanical Engineering awarded Chairman Zhou Shuangliu the certificate of Visiting Professor of Jiangsu University and listed Jinhaichuang Group as the Practice base for graduate students of Jiangsu University. Leaders from Jinhaichuang Group, School of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Center witnessed this moment together.

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