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Industrial center held laboratory safety work conference
Date:2021-10-21   View:

In order to further improve the safety awareness of teachers and students of the industrial center, on October 18, the industrial Center held a laboratory safety work conference, the center's laboratory directors and safety administrators attended the meeting, the meeting was chaired by zhou Chain, director of the industrial Center.

The meeting began with a report of the surprise safety inspection of the student associations managed by various laboratories on October 15. Director Zhou pointed out that because of its special function, there are many students, students in the group for a long time can not monitor the whole process, the use of complex equipment and part of the processing equipment has certain security risks, and other problems, difficult to manage. From this inspection, overall good execution in the clubs safety management regulations of the school, the center, provides the security for the students' innovation activities, but there are still a part of the community has certain security hidden danger, mainly embodied in the students' safety consciousness is not strong, the illegal use of electrical appliances, personal items piles up at will, and more, environmental health and disorderly, and so on. At the same time, in the inspection process, it was found that some of the communities used certain dangerous tools, such as cutting machines, Angle grinding machines, etc. Director Zhou required that such tools should be used regularly and at designated points in each laboratory. During the use of such tools, the instructor should guide students on site and not use them at will, so as to reduce the potential safety hazards in use. Meanwhile, relevant protective tools must be added.

At the end of the meeting, all laboratories must strictly implement the three-level safety management system of "Center director -- laboratory director -- responsible person for the safety of each laboratory room", compaction safety responsibility, clear safety requirements, strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers, speed up the rectification of problems, strengthen the re-supervision of safety management, and form closed-loop management. All departments are required to rectify the above problems as soon as possible after the meeting and carry out safety self-inspection again, so as to welcome the 20th anniversary of the establishment of our school and the 119th anniversary of our school with a safe, harmonious and stable situation.

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