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Secretariat of Institute of Education, Peking University, Institute of Modern Industry, Ministry of Education Our delegation came to our hospital for work investigation
Date:2024-03-06   View:

On the afternoon of March 5th, Professor Guo Jianru of the School of Education of Peking University and Director Shen Jie of the Secretariat of the Institute of Modern Industry of Ministry of Education came to visit and investigate the construction of the Institute of Modern Industry of our University. Professor Cheng Guanggui, Dean of the artificial intelligence and Intelligent Manufacturing Institute, Director of the General Office of the Institute and Director of the Labs of each module participated in the exchange activities.

Cheng Guanggui expressed his warm welcome to Guo Jianru and his entourage on behalf of the Institute and reported on the basic situation, construction objectives, construction progress, phased achievements and bottlenecks of the Institute. Prof. Guo Jianru fully affirmed the construction effect of the college since its establishment, and discussed the cross and integration training of talents, the construction of professional courses, and the improvement of students' ability to innovate and start businesses, and shared the experience and methods of the construction of industrial colleges in other universities. Shen Jie, director of the Secretariat of the Institute of Modern Industry of the Ministry of Education, introduced the overall progress of the construction of industrial colleges in various units in China, and put forward valuable suggestions on the cultivation of talents, the construction of teaching staff, the support of government and enterprises and the subsequent development of the industrial colleges of our university.

This exchange enhanced the mutual understanding of the participants, and they expressed that they would further strengthen the communication, cooperation and guidance in the process of building modern industrial colleges in the future. Efforts will be made to promote the construction of industrial colleges, and output more technological achievements and excellent professional and technical personnel for the digital, intelligent and green development of the national manufacturing industry.

School of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Manufacturing

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