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Jiangsu Sumida Hardware Tools Co, Ltd. and his delegation came to our hospital for work exchange
Date:2024-05-24   View:

On the morning of May 23,Yang Fan,Deputy General ManagerofSUMECHardwareTools Co,Ltd,Lin Yu.Chief Technical Expert, Wang Qiang, Director of Technical Center, and Zhao Yanxiang, Senior Engineer,came to our hospital for work exchange.Professor Cheng Guanggul, Dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence and intelligent Manufacturing, Chang Yan,Director of the Comprehensive Office of the School of Artificial Intelligence and intelligent Manufacturing. Chang Yan, Director of the Laboratory of Each Module,and Shen Chungen, the contact person of SUMEC, attended the exchange activities.

On behalf of the college, Cheng Guanggui extended a warm welcome to Yang Fan and his entourage, and introduced the resources, teaching characteristics and construction goals of the college in detail, Then the two sides on the current intelligent agricultural product development,Intelligent manufacturing application, and how to further in-depth cooperation, to create a model of cooperation and other matters to conduct a full exchange and discussion, agreed to work together to achleve resource sharing and win-win development of the vision goal.

Since April 2005, Sumelda Group has maintained a close cooperation relationship with our school,and has achieved fruitful results in the fields of personnel training,scientific research,and practical teaching base construction. Yang Fan, deputy general manager, said that the two sides have a profound friendship and many years of cooperation. Through this exchange, the understanding between the two sides has been further enhanced, and the ideas and directions for in-depth cooperation have been expanded.

School of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Manufacturing

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