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The teaching party Branch of the industrial center held a series of themed ac... 2021-06-07
The students of our school won great achievements in the "6th Jiangsu Univers... 2021-04-28
The 6th Jiangsu University Engineering Training Comprehensive Ability Competi... 2021-03-25
g rostrum -- Fly wings for dreams 2021-03-02
Director Yu Songzhang and his party visited the Industrial Center 2020-11-05
Students won in the 9th National Undergraduate Mechanical Innovation Design C... 2020-10-16
Students won excellent results in the 8th Jiangsu Undergraduate Mechanical In... 2020-10-16
Study the spirit of women's volleyball team and work hard 2020-10-05
The industrial center first won the ROBOMASTER competition in Xinjiang 2020-09-17
Industry Center community students won outstanding achievements in SPIED 2020... 2020-08-27

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