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The 2022 Jiangsu Higher Vocational Teacher Training Class held by the Industr... 2022-08-12
Our school won a good performance in the 24th China Robotics and Artificial I... 2022-08-09
Our school was awarded the Excellent Project of Teacher Training in Jiangsu H... 2022-07-11
Industrial Center Holds Laboratory Safety Work Conference 2022-03-15
2022 Jiangsu University Mechanical Innovation Design Competition and the Tent... 2022-03-09
The signing and opening ceremony of the Joint laboratory between Jiangsu Univ... 2021-12-16
The course "Design Thinking" of The Industrial Center was selected as one of ... 2021-11-12
Industrial center held laboratory safety work conference 2021-10-21
The 2021 Summer Innovative Engineering Design Program was successfully held 2021-08-25
The 2021 Training course for jiangsu Higher Vocational teachers organized by ... 2021-07-31

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